Who do we help?

If we were to oversimplify someone’s journey from feeling like their life is “bad” to feeling like their life is “good”, here’s where HeartSupport Repliers specializes:

Emotion Focus vs. Action Focus

Put simply, a Coach focuses on teaching someone the right actions to take to make improvements. Repliers focus on helping people through the emotions that keep them from those improvements.

Let’s illustrate by imagining each role helps someone build a puzzle:


Are you overwhelmed about this? Let's talk about that.

I’ve felt the same way. When I do puzzles, I start by doing the edges. It’s less overwhelming.

I know this might feel scary, but you're not doing it alone anymore. I'm rooting you on.

Plus, while you might feel like you can’t do this, you've done stuff like this before.

Got it from here?


What’s your goal with this puzzle?
How quickly do you want to accomplish it?

Great. Here are the ten steps to crushing this puzzle.
Do it in this order.

I'll check in with you at step 3 to make sure you've got proper technique.

I’ll cheer you on when you get to step 6 because that one’s the hardest.

Got the plan?

Our Goal

Our primary goal isn’t to get them to finish the puzzle. It’s to get them to a mental space where they know they can do it themselves.