The Bridge

When three people in my life all attempted suicide in the same week, I didn’t understand. These were vibrant people who had talent and wit and charm and love. It provoked something in me - I wanted to ask WHY. So I did. And the conversations that unfolded with each of them led me to this profound conclusion:

It all made sense.

It didn’t mean that I agreed with them. It just meant that when I listened, I actually understood why they came to the conclusion they did. It wasn’t true, and it wasn’t their only option, but it was logical.

If everything is terrible, if it will never get better and only get worse, and if I can’t handle it as it is right now, why would I suffer?

Something broke in me. The knee-jerk judgment, the fear of not understanding, the arrogance - I realized, in humility, that this principle could extend to all questionable choices. People at their core are logical. Flawed. But logical.

And if I can help understand the logic, I can step into someone’s story with them and be a friend who can show them another way.

Read the full story at the blog below.