
As peer supporters, one of our key roles is to model for others what we’ve done ourselves to offer inspiration and information of how it can be done for them.

  • If we tell people what to do, we are assuming the role of an expert. Experts have the answers others should abide by.

  • As an expert, we assume the risk of the success or failure of the outcome of them taking our advice. We don’t want to be on the hook for executing a rescue.

  • Subliminally, we’re telling them: you aren’t able to figure out what’s best for you, but I am.


Giving advice is outside of the bounds of our role as peer supporters.

  • I’m in this with you. I’ve been where you are. I’m just offering my personal experience.

  • While staying within the bounds of our role and not telling someone else what to do, they own the consequences of their action or inaction.

  • We subliminally tell them: I respect you and believe in your resourcefulness. You are able to make the best decision for yourself and your life.