Research of Effectiveness

Just like with Linguistic-Style Synchrony, striking the right balance of Emotional-Content Synchrony is important. You can see that for lasting emotional recovery in particular, over-synchronizing can have a negative effect.

The Goldilocks Principle

You don’t want to under-synchronize where it feels like you’re not in touch with them at all. People who speak “all positive” when someone feels depressed feel like that person doesn’t get them at all. It’s important to speak in a way that acknowledges their current emotional state.

Too Cold

Between too hot and too cold, over- and under-synchronizing with someone’s emotional tone, is the right balance to strike. Address their emotions and speak in a way that demonstrates you understand them. But also keep your own authentic voice and tone distinct from theirs.

Just Right

Too Hot

You don’t want to over-synchronize where it feels like you’re a robot or disingenuous. It can also be ineffective to over-synchronize with someone when they’re in a negative mindset. You don’t want to jump in the pit with them and wallow in the hopelessness.