SWAT Teams
Replier Training
Congratulations! You’ve successfully applied to be a Volunteer Replier in the SWAT Teams program. You are now invited to continue by completing this online training (~3hrs) within 10 days, as all applications expire after that point. Make sure to bookmark this page!
For any question about any part of this training, connect with our Staff at [email protected].
🟢 Start Here
1️⃣👂How To Listen
Linguistic-Style Synchrony
Level 1: Show the people you’ll support that you heard what they SAID.
Emotional-Content Synchrony
Level 2: Show the people you’ll support that you heard how they FEEL.
Latent Semantic Synchrony
Level 3: Reflect unexpressed thoughts and feelings and deepen their understanding of themselves.
Practical Tools
Learn new ways to name and describe feelings to deepen your listening skills.
2️⃣🌟 Unconditional Positive Regard
Definition and Five Pillars
What Unconditional Positive Regard is, and HeartSupport’s Five Pillars Policy
Everything Makes Sense
Using logic to develop Unconditional Positive Regard
Fundamental Beliefs
Which fundamental beliefs underpin Unconditional Positive Regard
When People Bother Us
How to identify when we lose Unconditional Positive Regard and what to do when that happens
3️⃣📖 Peer Modeling
Overview and Importance
What Peer Modeling is, and why it’s important
Understanding Your Own Story
Deepening your understanding of your own story so you can use it to relate to others
Universal Relating
How to relate to anyone about anything
Others-Centered Relating
When to relate, when not to relate, and the difference between sharing your story “for” someone and sharing your story “at” someone
Relating Vs Advice
Understanding why we don’t give advice and how to use Peer Modeling instead
➕ Optional: Specific Topics
🏁 End Here (required)