Mental Health: Challenge Accepted

Influencers and companies accept the challenge
to raise funds for mental health.


will give away a custom Kiesel guitar to someone who donates to his page at $5k raise and will jump out of a plane if the campaign hits $100k.

Weinstein Legal Team matches $5k of donations to Jake’s page.

will give away a custom guitar from Kiesel to someone who donates to his page.

is donating all proceeds from professional coaching for the fundraiser, sponsored by
Novus Global.

will create a song with Jake Luhrs if her campaign reaches $5k.

will jump out of a plane with Jake Luhrs if the campaign hits $100k.

Anonymous Donor matches $5k of donations to his page.

will fundraise $5k on stream, matched by Anonymous Donor.

is teaming up with Deadlands, a nationally touring metal band, to fundraise $5k for HeartSupport.

will react to any song of your choice on our Youtube.

Anonymous Donor matches $5k of donations to Taylor’s page.

will accept the challenge and fundraise together as a couple.

will give away a custom guitar from PRS (signed by Paul Reed Smith himself) to someone who donates to his page.

All donations matched by
Apex Recovery.

will build an intro video for HeartSupport across 5 Resolve Influencer YouTube channels.

Anonymous Donor matches $5k of donations to their page.

will accept the challenge and fundraise together.

will accept the challenge and fundraise $10k together as a couple, embodying the spirit of HeartSupport.

Mental Health is a Challenge
We Must Accept

Take on that challenge by donating to HeartSupport so more music fans can reach hope.

Contact us.

Questions? We’re an open book.
Fill out the form here or email Shelbi, our Director of Development at

[email protected]

Note: This is not a mental health support email address, for encouragement, please see our GET HELP page.