Try Therapy Today

Free 7 days of counseling through our sponsored affiliate link with BetterHelp

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Our Staff Loves Better Help

Benefits of Therapy


Express negative emotions and have positive things happen because of that expression.


No longer settle for less
than you deserve in your relationships.


No longer put your worth
in what others think of you.


Resolve conflict
and effectively.


Process and voice feelings you didn’t even know you had.


Learn how to set and maintain boundaries.


Discover your best self, and work through any blocks that prevent you from being that person.


Decrease the amount of negative self-talk you experience on a daily basis.


Increase self-care practices and solidify a wellness routine.


Recognize negative behavioral patterns and begin to change them.

Why We Like Better Help?

Easy to get started

fill out a questionnaire and get matched with a therapist.

Right fit for you

as needed, change your therapist with the click of a button.

Virtual Therapy

from the comfort of your own home.


talk to your therapist through voice, video or text.

Group sessions

supplement your individual therapy with therapist-led group sessions


works with your schedule

We’re Affiliates of

Better Help

Which means that you can get started today with a Free 7 Days of Counseling.

If you decide to pay for therapy after the 7 days, HeartSupport gets paid $225.

These funds are like a donation in your honor that get used to help reach more people who need support.

Free 7 Days
of Counseling

We believe this trial period gives people the opportunity to try therapy, maybe for the first time, and see if it is a right fit for them.

There is no pressure to pay for therapy by signing up for the free trial, and you can cancel at any time.

How to Get Started?


Click the button below and fill out the questionnaire.


Get matched with a therapist.


Schedule and have your first session.