Music-based community for your mental health.

The music in the video is by Beard The Lion.

We use music to start conversations about mental health. You can write about life’s struggles on our anonymous forum. We’ll reply to you with encouragement.

Music can help us endure our daily struggles.

There’s a song for anything we’re going through - breakups, grief, depression, feeling lost, you name it. Music can help us feel understood, like someone gets us, and we’re not alone. That’s irreplaceable.

Community can help us overcome those struggles.

To face the difficult parts of our life, we need to do more than just endure; we need to overcome. We need people in our corner who believe in us, help us through our lows, and accept us through the whole journey.

HeartSupport combines both music and community.

Founded by vocalist of August Burns Red

Traveled to 150+ festival dates

Launched a music festival in Orlando, FL

Interviews with artists
about their struggles

Talks about how lyrics relate to mental health

Helps fans open up about life’s difficulties

“I can’t even begin to give HeartSupport enough credit for all they have done for me over the last few years.”


— Melissa, community member

Get started by talking about your mental health

If we don't talk about our mental health, it won't get better. That’s why we’re committed to accepting one another no matter what you believe, who you love, the color of your skin, what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you.


Create your account on our forum

Select an anonymous username on our online forum, the Support Wall.


Share about what’s on your heart

Click the “Create A Topic” button, and write about a current difficulty.


We’ll reply to you with support

Within 24h, people from our community will reply with support.

If you need inspiration to find something to share about, watch our videos with artists and music you like.