Q3 Results
Thank you so much for investing in HeartSupport! Q3 was a very successful quarter for our team. We accomplished 85% of our goals from Q3, and the remaining 15% are pending implementation or board approval! Find out more below.
HeartSupport as the main stage sponsor for the final Furnace Fest.
Build an exceptional volunteer experience
✅ Expanded SWAT volunteer capacity and efficiency
✅ Increased percentage of engaged SWAT repliers meeting from 34% to 80%
🔁 Have a complete 6-month cycle of volunteer growth, recognition, and impact built.
Milestones decided upon, awaiting implementation
✅ Increased percentage of mentorship matches meeting at least 1x/month from 31% to 60%
🔁 Migrate volunteer applications and training to Discord in order to make onboarding flow as smooth and effective as possible
75% complete, continuing in Q4
Make HeartSupport worthy of a $1,000,000 investment
🔁 Elevate our HR, Board of Director, and operations to BBB accreditation worthiness
83% completed. 31 criteria met, 4 outstanding, 2 in progress.
🔁 Improve board oversight by recruiting a treasurer and chairman
Candidates identified, awaiting board decision.
✅ Completed 3-5 year strategic plan to solidify vision for direction of the organization
Create a compelling brand that makes people WANT to be involved
🔁 Complete and launch rebrand to align with our updated vision, mission, and values
50% completed, 19 of 38 rebrand milestones achieved. Completion in Q4
Clear mission statement, goals, and supplemental materials created
✅ Developed and launched a new ROI document for donors which demonstrates dollar-to-impact value
✅ Raised $65k to close the gap on the May fundraiser
✅ Implemented CRM system for centralized development efforts
Validate HeartSupport as a substantial media opportunity for bands
✅ 5 viral posts by end of quarter (viral measured by 80% of reach being non-followers)
✅ Drove 150 replier applications through digital and physical outreach
Thank you SO MUCH for contributing to HeartSupport and helping heal the scene. We couldn’t do it without you, and your contributions truly make such a tangible impact in the metal scene. Thank you. Stay tuned to stay updated on our goals for Q4.