What does HeartSupport have planned for the first quarter of 2025?

As we’ve shared with you, 2024 was a big year for HeartSupport — but we are committed to making 2025 even more impactful.

Our team has been spending time strategizing the next steps forward in our 5-year plan, envisioning the ways we can have the most impact in healing the scene. That starts with these first three months of the year, where we will lay the foundation for all that lies ahead. It’s like we’re lacing up our running shoes for a race that is just around the corner, with all of the pre-sprint jitters and excitement that entails.

Here’s what HeartSupport has on the agenda as we head into the first quarter of 2025! 

Preparing to bring HeartSupport to 12 festivals

We have set an audacious goal for 2025: showing up in-person to provide support at 12 rock and metal festivals. This would be our biggest in-person event year in organizational history.

Right now, HeartSupport’s team is actively seeking donors and sponsors who are willing to step in and make this possible (like Sam did). Donate below or reach out to us if you’d like to be a part of this!

Being present at this many events requires a tremendous amount of coordination and preparation. As we get logistics in place, we are also building out a Band Training Program. This will allow us to equip bands to become emissaries of hope, bringing HeartSupport outreach to their listeners.

Bringing Support Calls back

If you’ve been around HeartSupport for a while, you might remember Support Calls. We put them on pause as we adjusted our volunteer program to be able to respond to our rapidly growing requests for support. Now, we’re able to bring them back!

Support Calls are a mentorship opportunity designed to offer long-term help to anyone who may be struggling, offering more consistency than a quick comment exchange can provide. We know that the need for this kind of care is high. We’re getting ready to meet that need as soon as possible.

Starting 1,000 conversations

As the impact of our mental health-focused music content grows, more and more people open up through our content with each passing month. We aim to initiate 1,000 individual conversations this quarter so fans can open up about their mental health, and in turn, receive our free peer support.

Those conversations start through our social media platforms, such as YouTube and Instagram, where we are consistently seeing views increase on our Therapist Reacts videos. As of this first quarter, our YouTube channel has surpassed 200,000 subscribers!

Growing the team

With the goal of 1,000 conversations and moving towards resuming Support Calls, it’s clear that our passionate team of volunteers deserves as much support as we can give them. That’s where Reece Maopolski comes in!

Reece is the newest member of the HeartSupport team, serving as our Program Assistant. Onboarding this month, from here on out, Reece will be helping to coordinate volunteers and implement all program plans. As a musician and someone with a mental health history himself, Reece is the perfect person to step into this role. Get to know him on our recent blog.

Getting accredited

Nonprofits can only do the missional work because of a strong administrative backbone. As part of that essential grounding, we’re working on getting accredited by the Better Business Bureau. This will increase our credibility and affirm our trustworthiness to future partners and donors.

We are also making some additions to our board by adding new committee chairs. Stay tuned to meet these board members! 

Supporting excellence in tech

Because so much of what we do on a daily basis happens in digital spaces, tech support is vital. Between January and March, HeartSupport is working towards improvements to make providing support quick and easy for volunteers — which includes some integrations on their forum. This will ensure that everyone who needs help is connected with it quickly and efficiently.

There is so much more to come from HeartSupport in 2025. Thank you for continuing to believe in this work and propel its growth forward! 


New HeartSupport board member Bryan Fevold brings personal perseverance to his role


Heavy music hope: meet HeartSupport Program Assistant Reece Maopolski